Have Fun at Home with Heelys!

Stay active at home with Heelys. Whether you want a fun way to burn some calories or need a few relaxing minutes coloring a photo, we’ve got you covered. You don’t have to be bored inside when you’ve got a pair of Heelys. Heelys roll on any smooth surface so your driveway, sidewalk or even that long hallway in the house would be perfect! Read our tips below or watch videos from other fans around the world for inspiration to get moving.

Be sure to tag us on social media with


for a chance to be featured on our website and social media around the world.


Join the Challenge!

How far can we roll? Help us achieve the longest #HeelysRelay! We want to connect our fans from around the world through one simple video. Follow us on TikTok and duet our video to keep us rolling.

  • Follow @HeelysWorldwide on TikTok
  • Duet our video and write your location in the caption with #HeelysRelay
  • Share with your friends so they do it too!

Watch the full video below on how to shoot yours. Let’s see where our fans are located!

Challenge any member of your family to a game of Heelys Tic Tac Toe! It’s easy. All you need is a few random household items to use as your markers and some colored tape. Use the tape to make your game board on the floor and get ready to roll. The first one with three in a row wins!

#HeelysTrickshot is simple, but it requires a little bit of luck. Toss the wheel and try to get it to land in the empty hole. Record your attempts and show off your best trickshot. Use #HeelysTrickshot and #HeelysAtHome for a chance to get featured on our social media. We're rooting for you!

We want to see you do the #ToosieSlideChallenge in Heelys! Our fans did a little mix up of the Toosie Challenge and we want everyone to join in the fun. Post a video of you wearing Heelys doing the Toosie Challenge. Use #ToosieSlideChallenge and #HeelysAtHome for a chance to get featured on our social media!


Try Our Fun At Home Activities

Break out the crayons and markers, it’s time to get creative.Use your imagination to become a shoe designer. Adults and children can both still have fun at home by creating your dream Heelys! Let your creativity flow with our blank Heelys templates. All you have to do is print them!

Plus, we’re giving you the chance to have your design featured on our social media around the world.

Just follow the steps below to submit:

  1. Download and print our blank templates
  2. Color or paint the template. Be creative!
  3. Post your design to social media tagging @heelysworldwide and use #HeelysAtHome 
  4. Follow us and keep an eye out for all our reposts!

See Posts from Our Fans!


Heelys At Home campaign is open to all ages. No purchase necessary. By uploading your content on social media and tagging @Heelysworldwide or @heelysEU or using the hashtag #HeelysAtHome, you agree to allow Heelys Worldwide share your post and your username on all our social platforms around the world. By participating in the Heelys at Home campaign, the user appreciates and voluntarily assumes all risks associated with using the Heelys wheeled footwear (including the risk of injury) and will hold Heelys harmless if he or she causes or receives any injury while using the Heelys wheeled footwear.

Use good judgement and Heely/skate under control. It is highly recommended to wear a helmet, wrist guards, knew pads and elbow pads when using Heelys skate shoes.