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- Read through this equipment check list every time before you start rolling with your Heelys. Thoroughly read and understand the manufacturers’ warnings on all protective gear before using. Be aware of single-use protective gear and helmets.
- Make sure all your protective safety equipment is not cracked, broken, or damaged in way. If you have any single-use gear (particularly a helmet) that gets damaged impact, make sure you replace it immediately.
- Only use a helmet that fits you properly and keep it fastened. Never wear the strap too loose around your chin in order to prevent it from shifting or falling off.
- Make sure the wheels are not obstructed. This could include rocks, paper, or any other objects that could be lodged in the wheelbase.
- Check the laces to make sure they are not worn out nor have tears. Always keep your laces tied while skating for a smooth ride.
- Make sure the wheels are not worn down, have dents or cracks. If you notice any of these problems or any other damages, be sure to replace the wheels before you skate. You can find replacement wheels on our website.
- Once you have all your protective gear and Heelys on, practice braking to make sure you can stop at any time necessary. If you need to stop or slow down quickly, practice transitioning from skating to walking or stopping by simply putting your toes down.
- After you’ve followed all these guidelines, you’re ready to go out and skate! Just remember these safety tips and don’t forget to go through the whole checklist every time before you put on your Heelys. Always be courteous and skate safely!
Please remember that although using your Heelys skate shoes is extremely enjoyable, there is a learning curve. Skating with Heelys is a sport, and the key is to learn how to heel safely and properly.
While using protective gear cannot guarantee your safety, it could greatly reduce your chances of injury. We therefore always recommend wearing full protective gear when using your Heelys skate shoes including: helmet, wrist guards, knee pads, and elbow pads.
Be sure to avoid cracks and skate only on smooth, stable, dry surfaces.