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How to Heely
First insert your wheels. Set or align the wheel into the "bracket" as well as you can.
Make a fist and hit the wheel with the bottom of your fist to fully "seat" the axles into the "bracket".
Visually inspect the wheels and axles to make sure they are seated straight in the "bracket" so that the wheels spin freely.
Stomp down on each wheel to make sure they are locked securely in place.
Now let's Heely!

Step 1
Start on a smooth, flat surface with your feet shoulder width apart.

Step 2
Take a step and push with your back foot. Lift the toes of your front foot so only the wheel is touching.

Step 3
Now do the same with your back foot – you should be smooth rolling along the floor!

Step 4
To stop, lift your toes of both feet up so your heels are touching the floor.
Make sure you keep one foot in front of the other – usually your dominant foot will be in front. If you need help, ask someone to pull you along until you get the hang of it.
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